Integrating archaeological science at medieval Riga
Team palynology and zooarchaeology Team archaeobotany and geoarchaeology Lovely weather here in London today, though mostly being experienced inside a meeting room at the Warburg Institute ! I'm away from Edinburgh this week, firstly for a project meeting for the Ecology of Crusading project and then for a week of lab work in Bristol - more on that to come! This weekend I am here with fellow team members Rowena Banerjea , Alex Brown , Monica Badura and PI Aleks Pluskowski , discussing our analyses of deposits from medieval Riga. This is the first time we've all got together to integrate our data, and to get updates on the dating of the deposits. So far we have potentially the earliest known building in Riga, on the basis of dendrochronological dates, and some great archaeobotanical data on the types of plant materials that were being used - along with the micromorphology it looks like a lot of the plant material is associated with construction, such as wood chipping...